A long time in planning comes a welcome addition to the path around the pond. 


The DNR grant of $10,000 was awarded March 2002 for a joint project between the City of Middleton and the FOKP group. 


Although it has been a major topic of discussion in many board meetings, the Tiedeman Pond Boardwalk project has been slow in coming AND IS FINALLY FINISHED (April 2005).  The ideas for the project started in 2001 and continued in earnest through 2002 when the grant application was submitted jointly from the FOKP and the City of Middleton to the WI DNR.  The awarded funds went primarily go towards materials and the City of Middleton in cooperation with other agencies provided the labor


The elevated boardwalk makes enjoyment of the ponds safer while being designed to have a minimal impact upon the pond's ecosystem. 

Volunteers of all types will be very much appreciated to help make this project a success. 

Tiedeman Pond Boardwalk Project

Would you like to help?  Email kettleponds@yahoo.com      

Making enjoyment of the ponds safer and easier…...

The boardwalk to be completed around the East side of Tiedeman Pond (old image adjacent to Gammon Road and to the right of this view) has made enjoying the beautiful area both easier and safer.